Especially in professional TV journalism. Because A. Sobir in 1992 became one of the first who replaced the photographer on the set and, at the invitation of 40-year-old Emomali Rakhmonov, the young head of the Republic of Tatarstan, came to Dushanbe to turn the TV channel TVT and throw an alarm signal of the victory of the white-headed troops on the laity!

Sherif Misayzoda, Davlatali Rakhmonaliev, Miramadi Amirshakh, Safarmukhammad Ayyubi, Mohammed In Absentia, Noble Rahim, Jami Karimov, Steel Madaliev, Saadullo Siromov, A. Patient…

These were the characters of their era. When tirades broke out in Dushanbe and even the forces did not have time to arrive in the capital, these young people, led by Babajan Ikromov Nozanin, arrived in Dushanbe for the first time. Radio, TV, windows and doors, corridors are full of blood and chaos. Broken devices and, more importantly, every gunsmith is the chairman of biloivazi of these 2 in the portal of literature and culture and wisdom…

Who doesn’t remember the sitcom Mullo flooded the head of a Tajik journalist?

Who forgot, Sitami Hajja is a commander who considered himself the No. 1 TV channel?

Day no, someday the employees of this port will definitely write about it.

All I have to say is that I worked on this committee for 3 days. And they tried to kill me for 3 days, and the guys helped me. There is no place to praise, 1 example was not afraid of them, but with the message “beware of the plague!”, I was “fired” from my job as chairman of the Committee… It was for my own good. Indeed, this behavior of the era’s board was full of wisdom. Because with the same “temporary races” a lot of people died…

1993. January. He shot arrows and blood from the sky. No one was charmed to go to the hottest region of the country and the poorest – Kurgan Tube. Five cardinal anarchies ruled in Vakhshu October, Shakhrit, Kubodien, Kumsangir. The favorite phrase of the revolutionary Batka Makhno “anarchy Matt poryadka” was a way of ruling the Ethereum of the Cumans. The killings and murders were so loud that, according to the slave, “Tajik eggs were sown!”. At that time, Yakub Salimov was the then Interior Minister. He called on journalists to go and reflect reality in order to end the execution and murder of the people of the Rashtonsamin Valley. No one agreed. …

But A. Patient got up and said I’m coming! And he left. With 2 other journalists (a junior servant who was only 25 years old, Miragmadi Amirshah and sadramon Hakim Kurbanov – a police colonel). What we saw was.Sabir recorded that there are currently landscapes and destructive actions of ISIS or its so-called Islamic militants in Sham and Iraq. Afghanistan remained in front of this place in Paris! Afghanistan, which survived a 22-year war, saw these scenes and bit off the finger of surprise at the oppression of our Tajiks.

3. the event never escapes me:

                       1. We saw a group of gun thieves robbing people. Like camera A.They saw him patient, ran to him and asked him…to take them off and show them on TV… Before this threshold, people were fearless!

                       2. I can’t wait to see him fire the gun when it’s loaded and it stays on my forehead. He said, “peaceful, quiet,” and he just took his hand off his forehead. Patient asked: “Saif, do you think that the same person shot at you?”. It was from a young age or because of a lack of fear that I said, “No, A. Patient, you need a kidney to shoot!”. I have another mile of a pistol on my forehead, which catches my eye and A. Patient looked and realized that we are not afraid of him… And threw us a party that night!

                       3. Tajiks were executed, other residents of Silakhshur. This happened when Mercy, Kurban Cholov and Sayidsho of the Winds came to this people. The Cholovs played for the Tajiks Rashtonzaminov and the goalkeepers of Panj, Badakhshan winds and sandy strips. A person should not be forgetful. First God, and then evil and winds, of course, 1 Tajik would not have survived in this valley. But it was the Sabag of the Iskhan parish that gave innocent Tajiks who were attacked and executed through the fault of the CPI… Camera A It was decided to record and present to the world all this lawlessness.



In fact, the fate of the director and the director is that he will never find a place in a historical video. And here are the burning houses that you see today in the mirror of the nilgun, half of which are the works of A. This is tolerable…

He even went to God’s house with his camera!!! Both hajj and work. 2×1. That is, A. Sabir could not just see the Kaaba of Thani, he recorded and put on display 9 million people…

According to him, after “30 years of working in TTT, I bought 1 shirt at my own expense and solemnly resigned.” Does it hurt you to think? Never! Although this action is a mistake for the 1st State Committee, which did not evaluate the film set during the Civil War…

Hesta came straight to the USSR. Because he knew that his allies and comrades were here. And since 2022, the USSR TV YouTube channel in the Internet world has been constantly responding to the editorial office of the People’s newspaper.

… An experienced chess player, sporty, playful, lively, prescription, young, professional and salty. This includes Patient, who this week reaches the blessed age of 65. Look at his picture and don’t say that he has reached the “kingdom of old age”. He looks very young.


But his youth is a product of the work of Yangi mehraban and the lighthouse of his family, which, according to A. Sabir himself, “out of 1,500 candidates in Kulyab, I chose this goalkeeper!!!”. Tabboh, tailor, craftsman, designer, pencil, shakanj, beautiful and shakan. These enviable features of Zukhra-Jalolova, the hostess of the house A.Patience is something that never, at any time, during the ups, downs, hunger, bitterness and sweetness of a loving life, but did not twist the look at her husband…

Indeed, Venus mehrabana at the beginning of the week reached the blessed age of 60. 60 + 65 = 125. The one hundred and twenties of these 2 lovers who are still in love with each other are blessed. I want such love and sincerity to reign in all the families of dear Tajikistan that in this family.

We can!!!

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